Monday, June 3, 2013

Watch 3g - A Killer Connection Movie In Theather

There are 4.3 Billion mobile phone users in the world. Every minute 60 thousand Phantom Calls are received worldwide. These calls have no known source of origin, no numbers and cannot be traced. Some people believe that these calls are spirits trying to connect to our world! 3G is the nightmarish story of Sam Arora and Sheena, a couple, who become victims of a series of events when Sam buys a 3G enabled second hand phone in Fiji islands while on a holiday. One night they receive a Phantom Call which changes their lives forever. They must face the unbelievable reality that the phone is somehow responsible for all that is happening to them and around them. The only way to stay alive, it seems is to unravel the mystery of the phone. But as the hours burn on, that becomes harder and harder to do. Technology is a part of our lives, what happens when technology wants to take our lives? 3G embodies the horror of a recurring nightmare that draws inspiration from the insecurities of modern life. In spite of all our technology and sophistication, we can't escape the unknown. 3G get ready for the killer connection! (c) Official FB
Release Date 3g - A Killer Connection Mar 15, 2013 Limited
If You Like this movie you can streaming 3g - A Killer Connection movie without downloading HERE

Movie Overview For 3g - A Killer Connection

TagLine 3g - A Killer Connection

Trailer For 3g - A Killer Connection


Actors For 3g - A Killer Connection

Neil Nitin Mukesh,Sonal Chauhan,Ashish Kapoor,Mrinalini Sharma,Asheesh Kapur,Himani Chauhan

Genres 3g - A Killer Connection : Drama,Horror,Mystery & Suspense,Science Fiction & Fantasy

Visitor Ranting & Critics For 3g - A Killer Connection

User Ranting 3g - A Killer Connection : 1.9
User Percentage For 3g - A Killer Connection : %
User Count Like for 3g - A Killer Connection : 114
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If You Like this movie you can streaming 3g - A Killer Connection movie without downloading HERE

Review For 3g - A Killer Connection

Movie Images 3g - A Killer Connection

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