This landmark juvenile-delinquent drama scrupulously follows the classic theatrical disciplines, telling all within a 24-hour period. Teenager Jimmy Stark (James Dean) can't help but get into trouble, a problem that has forced his appearance-conscious parents (Jim Backus and Ann Doran) to move from one town to another. The film's tormented central characters are all introduced during a single night-court session, presided over by well-meaning social worker Ray (Edward Platt). Jimmy, arrested on a drunk-and-disorderly charge, screams "You're tearing me apart!" as his blind-sided parents bicker with one another over how best to handle the situation. Judy (Natalie Wood) is basically a good kid but behaves wildly out of frustration over her inability to communicate with her deliberately distant father (William Hopper). (The incestuous subtext of this relationship is discreetly handled, but the audience knows what's going on in the minds of Judy and her dad at all times.) And Plato (Sal Mineo), who is so sensitive that he threatens to break apart like porcelain, has taken to killing puppies as a desperate bid for attention from his wealthy, always absent parents. The next morning, Jimmy tries to start clean at a new high school, only to run afoul of local gang leader Buzz (Corey Allen), who happens to be Judy's boyfriend. Anxious to fit in, Jimmy agrees to settle his differences with a nocturnal "Chickie Run": he and Buzz are to hop into separate stolen cars, then race toward the edge of a cliff; whoever jumps out of the car first is the "chickie." When asked if he's done this sort of thing before, Jimmy lies, "That's all I ever do." This wins him the undying devotion of fellow misfit Plato. At the appointed hour, the Chickie Run takes place, inaugurated by a wave of the arms from Judy. The cars roar toward the cliff; Jimmy is able to jump clear, but Buzz, trapped in the driver's set when his coat gets caught on the door handle, plummets to his death. In the convoluted logic of Buzz' gang, Jimmy is held responsible for the boy's death. For the rest of the evening, he is mercilessly tormented by Buzz' pals, even at his own doorstep. After unsuccessfully trying to sort things out with his weak-willed father, Jimmy runs off into the night. He links up with fellow "lost souls" Judy and Plato, hiding out in an abandoned palatial home and enacting the roles of father, mother, and son. For the first time, these three have found kindred spirits -- but the adults and kids who have made their lives miserable haven't given up yet, leading to tragedy. Out of the bleakness of the finale comes a ray of hope that, at last, Jimmy will be truly understood. Rebel Without a Cause began as a case history, written in 1944 by Dr. Robert Lindner. Originally intended as a vehicle for Marlon Brando, the property was shelved until Brando's The Wild One (1953) opened floodgates for films about crazy mixed-up teens. Director Nicholas Ray, then working on a similar project, was brought in to helm the film version. His star was James Dean, fresh from Warners' East of Eden. Ray's low budget dictated that the new film be lensed in black-and-white, but when East of Eden really took off at the box office, the existing footage was scrapped and reshot in color. This was great, so far as Ray was concerned, inasmuch as he had a predilection for symbolic color schemes. James Dean's hot red jacket, for example, indicated rebellion, while his very blue blue jeans created a near luminescent effect (Ray had previously used the same vivid color combination on Joan Crawford in Johnny Guitar). As part of an overall bid for authenticity, real-life gang member Frank Mazzola was hired as technical advisor for the fight scenes. To extract as natural a performance as possible from Dean, Ray redesigned the Stark family's living room set to resemble Ray's own home, where Dean did most of his rehearsing. Speaking of interior sets, the mansion where the three troubled teens hide out had previously been seen as the home of Norma Desmond in Sunset Boulevard. Of the reams of on-set trivia concerning Rebel, one of the more amusing tidbits involves Dean's quickie in-joke impression of cartoon character Mr. Magoo -- whose voice was, of course, supplied by Jim Backus, who played Jimmy's father. Viewing the rushes of this improvisation, a clueless Warner Bros. executive took Dean to task, saying in effect that if he must imitate an animated character, why not Warners' own Bugs Bunny? Released right after James Dean's untimely death, Rebel Without a Cause netted an enormous profit. The film almost seems like a eulogy when seen today, since so many of its cast members -- James Dean, Natalie Wood, Sal Mineo, Nick Adams -- died young. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi Release Date Rebel Without a Cause Oct 27, 1955 Wide If You Like this movie you can streaming Rebel Without a Cause movie without downloading HERE
Visitor Ranting & Critics For Rebel Without a Cause
User Ranting Rebel Without a Cause : 3.9 User Percentage For Rebel Without a Cause : 86 % User Count Like for Rebel Without a Cause : 56,124 All Critics Ranting For Rebel Without a Cause : 8.2 All Critics Count For Rebel Without a Cause : 41 All Critics Percentage For Rebel Without a Cause : 95 %
An unmissable film, made with a delirious compassion. Dave Kehr-Chicago Reader
Here is a fairly exciting, suspenseful and provocative, if also occasionally far-fetched, melodrama of unhappy youth on another delinquency kick. Robert J. Landry-Variety
Dean's finest film, hardly surprisingly in that Ray was one of the great '50s directors. Geoff Andrew-Time Out
Like its hero, Rebel Without a Cause desperately wants to say something and doesn't know what it is. If it did know, it would lose its fascination. Roger Ebert-Chicago Sun-Times
There are some excruciating flashes of accuracy and truth in this film. Bosley Crowther-New York Times
An indelible vision of a pretty 1950s America with a searing crack in it. Peter Stack-San Francisco Chronicle
1950s James Dean teen-rage landmark still resonates. Charles Cassady-Common Sense Media
This full-color, widescreen masterpiece gives us remarkable images. Jeffrey M. Anderson-Combustible Celluloid
Fine generational drama-tragedy which helped give James Dean movie immortality. Steve
The drama and hepcat dialogue feel clunky now, but the movie's plea for dads to talk to their children -- what we now call emotional literacy -- is valid enough. Peter Bradshaw-Guardian [UK]
For all its faults this is still the teen angst melodrama to end them all, and Dean's performance established him as an icon, a legend and a myth. -Film4
In this powerful study of juvenile violence, Dean is riveting as a teenager groping for love from a society he finds alien and oppressive. -TV Guide's Movie Guide
If ever a film was haunted, it's "Rebel Without a Cause," which burns as a bright memorial for stars James Dean, Natalie Wood and Sal Mineo. Phil Villarreal-Arizona Daily Star
Under Ray's dissecting eye, the suburban home itself becomes a battleground where parent and child must scream over each other to be heard Leo Goldsmith-Reverse Shot
Directed with visual flair by Nicolas Ray, the 1955 feature offers little more than a basic melodrama, but Dean is in such command of his ability to communicate his character's inner turmoil that you are riveted by his presence Douglas Pratt-Movie City News
A fine script, dynamic direction, doomed romantic idealism and telling performances make this the most timeless of Ray's gripping, socially aware dramas. Angie Errigo-Empire Magazine
Rebel shifts with the times S. James Wegg-JWR
People like to say that Dean was nothing but a Marlon Brando imitation, but Marlon never looked this young, this perfect. Brad Laidman-Film Threat
When first released, the studio and critics didn't know what to make of it, failing to realize that it would become the most influential youth picture in American history. Emanuel Levy-EmanuelLevy.Com
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